Many people contact me asking where and how they can learn Permaculture. I’ve been meaning to compile a list of recommendations and tips on some of the options available in and from Ireland for ages and finally got around to it!!
Some of these may suit you better than other depending on your time available, budget, other commitments and preferred learning style. See what catches your eye and take it from there…
My own journey
Myself, I learnt a good foundational from teenage years spent growing up and helping out on an Organic farm, I’d not heard the word Permaculture, but I learnt associated practical skills like composting, food growing, animal care and hedging. Making the most of all of the natural resources on the farm or the ‘heirarchy of resource use’ as I later heard it termed was always considered. Thinking about cycles of energy, (‘integrate rather than segregate’ in Perma-speak), and working within the seasonal and landscape limits (‘design from pattern to detail’) were all familiar to me.
Hands on Learning
I later learnt a huge amount more of the ‘behind the scenes’ design thinking from my 2 years spent living on a Permaculture (paradise) farm in the South of France. From there I took my first Permaculture Design Certificate in the UK, followed by a 5 year stint working on a diploma whilst back home on the farm in Ireland. In between times I attended many skill-specific courses, visited other farms and gardens, hosted the all island Permaculture gathering, and apprenticed Permaculture teachers. Hands on involvement in community initiatives and co-developing and managing my own family farm, also contributed greatly to my learning. There’s nothing like getting started on something however small to illustrate the parts you need to learn more about!
Permaculture Principle: Diversity
Diversity is the word! And begin where you’re at. Take a course, Read some books, Watch videos, Start or Join a Project, connect with others, follow your interest!
Here are some ideas, it’s by no means a comprehensive list, and if you’d like to be added to it please contact me, also feel free to add other ideas in the comments!
Work – in – Progress compilation here.
Gift Vouchers
Treat someone to a Permaculture present! Vouchers are redeemable against a course place or consultancy/site visit and have a validity of 1 year.