Design and Consultancy
Imagine, Design, Plan and Create
Fruitful, natural and resilient land and people-scapes.
Feed yourself and your community
Work and play in healthy environments that nourish body and soul
Reduce the impact of system shocks & respond to a changing climate
(flooding, drought, neglect)
Strengthen local communities
Provide wildlife habitats and havens
Restore healthy, thriving ecosystems
Save money and time on dead-end maintenance
Increase outputs and decrease inputs over time
Design Consultancy Options:
Remote Advice by Phone / Skype / Email
A scheduled chat about your project, particular issues and suggestions for moving forwards.
Site Walkabout and Chat
Half or full day onsite, observational walk-about considering aspirations and issues. Spontaneous advice and suggestions followed up with an optional additional brief written report of the visit outlining the key points and recommendations. Site walkabout with a video camera is an option here where the client need not be present.
Concept Planning
Bird’s-eye view plan for the project/site, Drawings, plans and recommendations, for the main frame of a design: Cllimate & micro climate, landform, water, access, structures, trees, areas of production, soil. Based on site visit and analysis.
Detailed Design
Detailed analysis and recommendations, including specific planting plans, implementation plans, budgets, resource management and supported evolution of the project where required.
Implementation and Project Management
Organisation and facilitation of implementation of a Permaculture design, eg: project management, subcontracting, community planting days, often but not necessarily always with an educational element.
Participatory design process with individuals, organisations, groups and institutes
Best for groups, communities, schools and colleges. A series of workshops on site, learning the basics of Permaculture in relation to your project, -observe and analyse the project/site, clarify a vision, identify needs, develop solutions and produce a Permaculture design and plan.
How We Work
Feedback/communication process
At least one ‘anchor’ person is required, with whom communication can be easily made and who is engaged in the design process. Normally, the main client, this can also be a group of people for a more inclusive end result.
Research and Design
This can be participatory or in-studio, Where relevant we collaborate with and refer to other professionals and practitioners to access the best expertise on each area of the project.
Reports and Plans
Consultancy options that include an element of sketches, drawings, plans, reports and recommendations, can often be done in studio and sometimes onsite. The more maps and plans available from you, the easier and quicker this process can be.
Depending on the scale, timeframe and type of project Earthcare can project manage, and/or recommend contractors and specialists to carry out the implementation of a design.
Our fees
- Intial site visits are charged with a ‘one off’ fee per visit, plus a mileage fee.
- Small projects can proceed directly to the Concept plan stage and are charged at a flat fee depending on scale.
- Detailed planting plans etc are done in-studio here in Roscommon and charged at an hourly rate.
- For ongoing consultation processes we typically begin with an initial site visit followed by further seasonal visits plus research, analysis, reports, drawings and design plans drawn up at our studio in Roscommon.
- Implementation costs are charged per hour onsite plus a project management fee. Sub-contractors with whom we partner provide their own quotes.
Our intention is to bring working projects to life. As such, text and graphics will be draft by default unless otherwise stated as necessary – we offer artist concept drawings and 3D digital plans at additional cost.
Fees can be flexible, with consideration to the ‘8 forms of capital’
Take advantage of our years of experience and our local networks.
Having an overall design to work from or simply some onsite design-focused input helps to move your project step-by-step towards the results you want.
Our Design and Consultancy options help you to:
Take a step back and see a big picture view.
Work with the natural characteristics of the site.
Design your spaces to really provide for human needs while regenerating natural systems.
Project Types
Private Garden – Beautiful and productive spaces – fresh herbs, berries, fruit, nuts, and vegetables together with water management, wildlife habitat, small animal systems, a nourishing, natural place to play and be.
Public & Community – Rural and urban spaces and places that respect water, increase biodiversity, are beautiful, productive and edible.
‘Rewild’ your community, provide for recreation, contribute to air quality in urban areas, sequester carbon, reconnect people to land, nature and each other and provide opportunities for community engagement.
Business Premises/Commercial – Restaurant, café and pub gardens, Parks and outdoor sites, Office gardens, and workplace landscapes.
Engaging, low maintenance, productive. Designed to provide for your business, staff & community.
Smallholding & larger Farms – Increase efficiency and decrease workload by simple lay out, energy cycling systems, water and fertility management and structures that maximise energy efficiency.
Closed loop systems that produce no waste and use the available resources. Layout and management plans based on integrated regenerative agriculture. For resilience, stability and healthy soils, plants, water, animals and people.
House/Architecture – Pre-architect concept design, for renovation and new build for maximum energy efficiency, using natural materials, and having minimum impact on the landscape.
Pre-purchase land analysis – Analysis of site suitability, comparison of options. Know what you’re getting into!
Events – Festivals and gatherings as leaders of positive environmental and social change, no waste, local resources, reinvestment in earth and people care, connected and supportive social structures.